Serving Persecuted Christians Worldwide - What is advocacy and why should we do it - Open Doors UK & Ireland

What is advocacy and why should we do it?

Caroline Spelman MP, Theresa May PM, Fr. Daniel, Open Doors church partner and Lisa Pearce ODI Advocacy Director. Father Daniel presented a Bible that was burnt by ISI to the Prime Minister
“The scriptures tell us to take actions that loose the chains of injustice. The justice heart of God is at the very centre of advocacy.”

There are two aspects to advocacy. Quiet diplomacy and campaigning. The two go hand in hand to bring about positive changes for Christian communities. If God cares about injustice then so should we. By advocating on behalf of our persecuted church family we can see changes to their situation in the long-term. This can bring about the end to structural injustices that perpetuate persecution.

Quiet diplomacy: We speak with people of influence in the UK government, parliament, the European Union and the United Nations. We seek opportunities to be involved in important conversations, aiming to influence opinion, present the reality of the persecuted church, and suggesting steps forward.

“Quiet diplomacy ensures that the voices of the oppressed are heard by those who have the power to make a difference.”

Public campaigning: In this country, we have the freedom to campaign and write to politicians. We know that one voice makes a difference but many voices joined together can create a movement for change. That's why the advocacy team facilitates opportunities for meaningful public action. We enable Open Doors supporters to write to their MPs, to ambassadors, sign petitions and attend meetings. These actions amplify the message of our persecuted family.

“Those in power pay attention when people speak out in unity to demand justice. Campaigning equips people to make this happen.”

Uniting: Wherever possible, we seek to work alongside other organisations in order to create the largest impact. That’s why Open Doors is a stakeholder in the All Party Parliamentary Group on International Freedom of Religion or Belief. This enables us to work together with parliamentarians and other charities passionate about Article 18 – the right to freedom of religion or belief. This allows us more opportunities to effect change for our persecuted family. We are also part of the Religious Liberty Commission of the Evangelical Alliance, where Open Doors has joined with Christian Solidarity Worldwide and Release International to provide a united voice for the persecuted church.

Please pray for the work of the UK advocacy team as we seek to present the needs of persecuted Christians to influential figures around the world. You can donate to the global advocacy work of Open Doors by selecting 'Advocacy Services' after clicking the button below.

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