Serving Persecuted Christians Worldwide - Gambo - Open Doors UK & Ireland


Explore Gambo’s story and those of six other courageous, persecuted women with our Tears of Gold church pack.


Gambo was gathering firewood on her farm when she was attacked by a Fulani boy. The Fulani are a tribe of nomadic, predominantly Muslim cattle herders. Fulani militants have posed an increasing threat to Christians in Nigeria in recent years.

The boy threatened, “If you do not allow me to sleep with you, I’m going to kill you.” Gambo refused. “I told him in the name of Jesus, I will never allow you to sleep with me. If you want to take my life, just take my life.”

She was beaten unconscious. When she woke, she was naked, bleeding and unable to walk. Gambo still suffers from the injuries she has, particularly to her arm, which was broken in the attack. She is also seeking justice through a court case with her attacker.


Gambo Gambo Self Portrait


Gambo attended an art-therapy workshop supported by Open Doors in Nigeria.

“I want to thank God because after that programme things have changed a little for me. I am often falling ill, but I just want to thank God for the peace He has restored in my heart.

“While I was drawing, I had mixed feelings. The first feeling is a feeling of anger and bitterness and that is why I drew myself not smiling, and then the second feeling is a feeling of a joy, knowing that God loves and still protects and takes care of me.”


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